
Alexa:Do you like cats?

An Alexa Skill Builder wants to create a skill that asks the user two yes/no QUESTIONs:

Alexa:Do you like cats?

Alexa:Do you like dogs?

When the username answers “yes”, how should the Builder code the handler to know which QUESTION the answer refers to?
A . Using session attributes, store the previous QUESTION as the context for use in theAMAZO
B . YesIntent handler.
C . Within theAMAZO
D . YesIntenthandler, prompt the user to repeat the name of the animal that they like.
E . Within theAMAZO
F . YesIntenthandler, define a slot to store and retrieve the previously asked QUESTIO
H . Access Amazon CloudWatch Logs and retrieve the previous QUESTION topic from the recent log messages.

Answer: C


Reference: https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/standard-built-in­intents.html

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