
Observation sessions should be scheduled so that the representativeness of the data can be maximized. Considering behaviors occurring in a school setting, which of the following options is consistent with this recommendation?

Observation sessions should be scheduled so that the representativeness of the data can be maximized. Considering behaviors occurring in a school setting, which of the following options is consistent with this recommendation?
A .  Behaviors are given letter-codes that represent the complete topographical definition of the behaviors, e.g., “on-task academic behavior” is represented by “O” on the recording sheet.
B .  Observations should be made only when the behavior is likely to occur most frequently during a day, for instance, during a particular academic class.
C .  Recordings of behavior during the whole school day may be needed initially to assess the representativeness of samples within the day.
D .  Representativeness can be assured by scheduling observations in sessions of 60 minutes or more in the morning and afternoon school schedule.

Answer: C

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