
Which plan meets the needs?

A hospital wireless network must support many different types of users and devices, including:

• Visitors who access the Internet

• Admin staff, who run applications such as scheduling

• Medical staff, who look up patient info on their tablets

• Patient monitoring devices, which must not lose any traffic

• Communicator badges, which support real-time voice to allow nurses and doctors to communicate

The hospital needs to ensure that the most vital and time-sensitive traffic is prioritized and that visitors do not interfere with

hospital applications. The MC should mark traffic that passes through it for an appropriate priority.

Which plan meets the needs? (The plans describe firewall roles and rules but do not need to use correct syntax. Note that

security roles are also not included.)
A . Medical staff = Highest. Patient monitoring = Highest. Admin staff – High. Communicator = Normal. Visitors = Low.
B . Communicator = Highest. Patient monitoring = Highest. Medical staff = High. Admin staff = Normal: Visitors = Low.
C . Patient monitoring = Highest. Medical staff = Highest. communicators = High. Admin staff = High. Visitors = Normal.
D . Medical staff = Highest. Communicator = High. Patient monitoring = High. Admin = High. Visitors = Normal

Answer: A

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