Real HCIA-Access H35-210 Exam Dumps

After taking and passing the HCIA-Access H35-210 exam, you will have the ability to commission Huawei access network devices and configure basic services, plan ODN networks, and troubleshoot basic faults. We provide the real Huawei Certified ICT Associate-Access H35-210 exam dumps, which are the best guides for you to study the following H35-210 topics: Access Network Overview, Network Communication Principles, xPON & xDSL Principles, PPPoE&DHCP&VLAN Principles, Data service basics& Data Service Configuration, ODN Engineering Implementation and Maintenance & Network Management Basics. Practice Huawei HCIA-Access H35-210 exam free dumps below.

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1. Which statement about IP routing statement is true?

2. Which is the next generation development prospect of access network ?

3. Which of the following does not belong to the scope of the communication network?

4. In the access network access technology, which of the following access method can provide maximum access bandwidth?

5. ICMP is a link layer protocol, ICMP message is triggered by the physical layer, and then respond by IP layer or a higher layer protocol.

6. Routing in the routing table can not exist mask of routing entry.

7. In the routing table item, for the same destination address and mask, only corresponding to a unique nexthop and outbound interface.

8. MAC address is composed of 48 bit, usually showed in 12 hexadecimal, the first six hexadecimal digits by the IEEE in charge of unified distribution, used to determine the uniqueness of the manufacturers, the last six hexadecimal digits by the manufacturers responsible for their own management.

9. TTL is mainly to prevent IP packet loop forwarding in the network, wasting network bandwidth.

10. Link layer defines the electrical, mechanical process and function, to realize line activation, keeping and demolition on both ends of system connection.


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